The aiming sucks in this game I fail the missions most of the time because of the system.
The aiming sucks in this game I fail the missions most of the time because of the system.
its good
i can only think of one thing wrong with it its the wrong time to submit it why didn't you wait until decmeber
i can't be bothered to wait that long
worst reveiw EVER
its the same shit everybody doin for years every body has there own verson of this crap
tom and dan you no wonder this game is going to the IGF i hope it gets the award
you did good
dude i hope theres going to be an ah2
this game cool man i hope you make another one
dude this flash game is awesome you should make anthor one like it only this time a fist person shooter like the real unreal torament
its okay
not bad but not good
Joined on 3/19/06